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Jan 23, 2018

A true hoot. Devon, Dylan, New York Mike, and TJ Hawke join me in what can only be described a complete mess. Tanner gets buried within the first two minutes STRONGLY. Took place in May of 2016 so try and think about the discourse around that time. Maybe.

Jan 19, 2018

When I decided to do a podcast on the best lucha wrestlers of 2017 I knew there was only one person for the job. When they couldn't make it I was glad JR Goldberg could come on (jk jk). We go through the weird year lucha has had, talking up our favorite blood hungry mythical creatures of the year. Talk about the change...

Jan 15, 2018

Kris Zellner joined Tanner and me on the 15th episode of We Don't Know Wrestling. This took place shortly after Wrestle Kingdom 10, learning there was a NJPW exodus to WWE. Please tell me what else happened on this show. There is a lot of NJPW & banter frankly. 

Jan 13, 2018

VERY cold today. VERY snowy. Sit down with a classic banter session.


There are moments in your life where you can feel the entire weight of that singular moment. Where you know what you are doing is wrong and potentially damaging to yourself yet you continue on. Welcome to Part II of Formerly Known As Always...

Jan 13, 2018

Yesterday it was 60 degrees and today it is 15 degrees and there are 6 inches of snow on the ground. So we are going to put on the second interation of the We Don't Know Wrestling year-end awards up.


The Year End Wrestling Award Shows of your FRIGGIN’ DREAMS DADDY’O! Belee dat. Belee in Alabama...